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Puppy Training Tips: Dealing With Puppy Behavioural Problems
Puppies require a lot of love, attention and training to become the well-rounded doggos we all aim to have in our lives. In this article, we take you through our...
How To Stop Your Dog Barking
Dogs can be so cute and cuddly when they want to but boy, can they be loud too! Dog barking is one of the traits of the species that is...
How to Train Your Dog With Positive Reinforcement
Let’s be honest. No matter how much you care and love your furry friend, it cannot always be a positive experience. At times, you must teach them the lesson of...
How To Prepare Your Dog For a New Baby
Although welcoming a new baby into the family is a wonderful moment, your dog may experience anxiety and need time to adjust to the new normal. Here at BullyBillows, we...
The Friendliest Dog Breeds
Dogs are a man's best friend, and for very good reason. Our loving dogs offer unconditional affection and friendship. They are loyal, obedient and bring so much joy to homes...
Do Dogs Dream and What Do They Mean?
Puppies spend about 18-19 hours of their little lives snoozing, while the typical adult dog spends around 12-16 hours of the day sleeping—but do dogs dream and can they have...
Understanding Small Dog Syndrome
Are you the proud owner of a small dog that acts as if they are head of the household? If so, your furry friend may be suffering from a behavioural...
Everything You Need to Know About Littermate Syndrome
As the proud owner of two pups from the same litter, you're in for an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only will it be double the fun, but it's heartwarming to...
Tips to Manage the Post–Pandemic Separation Anxiety in Dogs
Did you know that over 7 million dogs have suffered from post-pandemic -separation anxiety? The pandemic has been one of the leading causes of separation anxiety in dogs since now...
Top Three Reasons Why Your Dog Licks You
Dogs exhibit many behaviours, licking being one of them. There are different reasons why your furry canine friend will lick you, and most people think he will do this to...
3 Useful Tips to Stop Destructive Behaviour in Dogs
When your pet is a puppy, chewing and playful biting is entertaining and adorable. But what happens when he grows up and his adorable habit develops into a destructive pattern?...
Why are Dogs Scared of Vacuums?
Vacuuming is a necessity for every dog owner. However, you might have realised that anytime you pull out the vacuum cleaner, your best friend kicks up a storm and may...
5 Easy Tips to Stop Your Dog From Digging Up the Backyard
If you have a dog, you know they love to dig. Digging and burying are two favourite pastimes of theirs. When the weather gets warmer, your pup is just itching...
5 Types of Dog Personalities
We have distinct personalities that define us. Same way, your dog has a unique personality too. Yes, if you find yourself asking Why does my dog act this way? It...
Top 5 Things to Know Before Buying a French Bulldog
Frenchies, or French bulldogs, are among the most popular dog breeds. With a small but sturdy body, bat ears, and wrinkly faces, french bulldogs are entertaining and affectionate. A french...
Why Do Dogs Love to Lay in the Sun?
As we are approaching summer, you are likely to witness your dog laying motionless in the backyard, soaking up that golden yellow sunlight on a hot day. One might wonder,...
Dog in Heat? Here's What You Need to Know
Many people often wonder what a dog in heat is. It is a term used when a female dog experiences her estrus cycle. In other words, dog in heat is...
5 Warning Signs That Your Dog is Feeling Sad
Dogs are probably the most uncomplicated animals on Earth. All they want is your love, and they are happy. However, since they can't talk, pet owners do not understand the...