Dogs and fireworks go together like oil and water. It’s not a good combo. Here at BullyBillows, we know how much you love your pups and want them to be as calm as possible on the dreaded Bonfire Night.
Of course, not all dogs suffer on Bonfire Night, but the majority do. And you’ll need some tips to keep your dog calm during the fireworks.
That’s why we’ve put together this dog support and care guide for dogs that feel anxious or scared on Bonfire Night. Or, any other night that is celebrated with fireworks for that matter.
Keeping your dog calm during fireworks on Bonfire Night
These tips can be used for New Year's Eve, Chinese New Year, or Diwali.
Preparing for Bonfire Night
In order to properly care for your dog and make sure they have a smooth Bonfire Night, with anxieties to a minimum, you’ll need to prepare for the evening. Below are our tips on how to prepare yourself and your dog for Bonfire Night.
1) Research the local fireworks displays
Time, location, and duration are key points to research here. Find out exactly when, how long for, and where the firework displays are being carried out.
2) Create a safe space for your dog
In the lead up to Bonfire Night, create a space in your home where your dog can relax. This should be done with plenty of time before the night itself. This way, they can become accustomed to the space and retreat to it if and when the fireworks begin.
3) Get your dog used to calming music and sounds
If you don’t already listen to calming music, the radio, or relaxing sounds around your dog or when you leave them home alone, start doing this before Bonfire Night. Classic FM has dedicated peak fireworks hours to calming music for dogs and other pets. Tune into a relaxing radio station, or find a chilled playlist your dog can listen to.
4) Stock up on your dog's favourite treats and prepare their toys
If your dog loves chicken, pig ears, or broccoli, buy plenty of their favourite treats prior to Bonfire Night and give them their treats to keep their spirits high. Also, make sure they have their favourite toys close to them. These may act as a comfort if the noises get overwhelming.
5) Take your dog on a walk while the sun is up
Get your dog out of the house and let them exert plenty of energy. Make sure this is during the day or at least before the sun goes down. As soon as the sun goes down, there is a higher risk of the fireworks beginning while you’re out on your walk. Let your dog explore lots of smells and enjoy their walk.
6) Buy a hemp oil or balm
Some pet owners have reported that hemp oil and balm for dogs have had great benefits. Including treatment of pain, arthritis, seizures and anxiety. The key benefit here would be that help could help reduce a dog's anxiety. In order to prepare for this, do research into hemp for dogs and use it according to the directions.
7) Secure all exits
A scared dog may want to make a run for it. Make sure all exits are properly secured so your dog can’t run away if they get frightened.
Looking after your dog during fireworks
So, you’re fully prepared for the night night. But now you’ve got everything set up, what to do on Bonfire Night? Below are the best tips for how to keep your dog calm during Bonfire Night.
- Remind your dog about their safe space – make sure there are lots of cosy blankets and their favourite toys available.
- Put Classic FM, a relaxing playlist, or calming sounds on.
- Close windows, blinds and curtains. This will help the acoustics in your home and hopefully block out particularly harsh bangs and bright lights.
- Don’t acknowledge the fireworks while they’re happening. If you react, your dog will be more likely to react.
- If your dog wants to play, play with them. But, if they would rather cuddle, give them lots of love. Let your dog tell you what would calm them the best.
Post-Bonfire Night care
The fireworks are over and we can resume normality, but your dog will still need some extra care and attention. Although not all dogs are scared of fireworks, for many dogs and other household pets, fireworks can be extremely distressing.
This is why caring for your pooch post-Bonfire Night is just as important as preparation. They may still feel anxious post-fireworks. Be as attentive as possible and give them plenty of love. This can be anything from cuddles to treats.
Be wary of sudden movements and loud noises that naturally occur in the house after a fireworks display. Your dog may be a little traumatised from the bangs they heard earlier in the evening. Keep your house calm and as relaxed as possible until your dog seems to be more themselves.
Fireworks and dogs FAQs
Some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to dogs and Bonfire Night:
Can I take my dog out on Bonfire Night?
No, we do not recommend taking your dog out on Bonfire Night. As we previously mentioned, your dog should be walked while the sun is up.
Should you leave your dog alone during fireworks?
No, we do not recommend leaving your dog home alone while firework displays are being held. This is a stressful situation, and if they are alone, their anxieties will only be heightened. Stay home and care for your dog.
Should I hug my dog during fireworks?
No two dogs are the same, some dogs will revel in cuddles during fireworks, and others will need their own space to self-soothe. Only you know your dog the best, if they seem stressed while being hugged, let them find their own way to keep calm. Use the tips above to try to soothe your dog.
Picking a hemp oil for your dog
As we mentioned in our preparation section – hemp could help keep your dog’s anxieties at bay! And we’ve got both hemp oil and hemp balm for dogs.
Hemp oil for dogs
Hemp oil for dogs has long been established as a natural remedy that is known for its numerous physical and mental benefits. They often contain vitamins like Omega 3, 6 & 9 fats.

Always read the ingredients and directions, and contact your vet before use.
Shop Hemp Oil For Dogs.