How to Train Your Dog to Be Alone at Home?

Mr. Barkley
Author: Mr. Barkley, 06 Jul 2021 Humans read in 2 mins, Dogs read in 14 mins
How to Train Your Dog to Be Alone at Home?

Have you welcomed a new dog or pup in your family during the coronavirus pandemic? Surely, you had a great time with them as you both were together at home all the time. However, as things are getting normal now, you need to step out of your home for various reasons. It becomes important to teach your dog to be alone at home and have fun.

Most dog owners are not aware that staying alone can be pretty difficult for your furry friend, especially when they have anxiety issues.

Read further to know how to train your dog to be alone at home without letting them experience any separation anxiety.

Tips to Train Your Dog to be Alone at Home

Begin With Short Intervals

Puppies need about 18 hours of sleep a day, so leaving them alone for short periods of 1 to 2 hours is not a big deal. To make them habitual of living alone, stop taking them with you everywhere you go. We understand that it’s tempting to see them by your side every time, but if you make them your second little shadow, they won’t be able to have some time off without your presence.

Start with closing the door for 10 to 15 minutes. It’ll teach them that you are not going to be there all the time, and it’s fine.

Monitor the Duration

If the pup is comfortable being alone for short periods, start increasing the amount of time you leave them alone. Gradually, increase the duration by hours. Once they start adjusting to being alone for more than 3 hours, you can stay out of the house for longer periods tension-free.

Demonstrate How to Have Fun Without You

When you train your dog to be alone, make sure he has something fun to spend his time with. Buy him dog puzzle toys to keep him busy and diverted. These toys usually have treats under, when lifted or rolled around. A dog can spend hours searching for food in it, and it’ll be best for them to pass time.

Teach the Stay Command

Once the dog is comfortable staying alone for enough period, begin moving away from them slowly. Use the command “stay” to make the dog be in its place. Reward them with a treat if your dog doesn’t move towards you even after you went out of the line of sight.

Sleep Separately at Night

If you and your dog sleep together at night, it can be harder for them to stay away from you. Sleep in a separate room from theirs as it makes staying alone at home for a long duration easier. It may seem tough for you both initially, but it is important to avoid separation anxiety.

The process of training can be overwhelming for your dog. However, be gentle and slow in your method. Keep accessing their emotions throughout to know how they feel.

We, at Bully Billow’s store, have quality harnesses, collars, leads, and leashes for your pups and dogs. Visit our store and shop for the highest quality dog collars and accessories.


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